
April 26, 2012

White Dog and I looked at each other in amazement. In just a week we will write and post our 2500th post. You have watched my little White Dog and I grow and become a White Dog Army and to gather enough courage to raise our voices (and paws) at a monster who continues too claim too many of our loved ones--those whom we have wrapped in our arms...and those of you who are family of our hearts.

It has been through your support and encouragement that we have become brave enough to join the warriors against cancer (no caps for this killer; it does not deserve that kind of respect). Last year, you helped the White Dog Army raise nearly $500 for our first Puppy Up New Mexico Walk to End Cancer and that money added to the contributions of thousands of others across the country allowed 2MillionDogs to underwrite original research at Princeton University to study mammary tumors in dogs at a genome level. The hope is that since there are such similarities in terms of risk and biology between the cancer in both dogs and humans, that progress will be made in the fight for both pups and women.

The White Dog Army has set a goal of raising $1000.00 this year, independently of the Walk to End Cancer, to specifically add to the initial phase funding of the Princeton study. My beloved godmother died from breast cancer and it is the best way we can think of to honor her. So this summer we have planned a yard sale, a used book fair, a pup and me picnic. Michael has volunteered earnings from walking neighborhood dogs. Toward reaching our goal, our friend and fellow blogger, Daisy, modeled and helped me design a special limited edition t-shirt (that's Daisy in the pink boxing gloves).

All of the profits will go for the 2MillionDogs Princeton Mammary Tumor Study. The shirt pulls no punches but we think it stylishly delivers a call to action in beating breast cancer. We know times are tough and there are LOTS of deserving causes in our community...but the blogworld always seems to be united in its hatred of the c monster.

At the sake of begging, we ask a special gift for our 2500th post (in eight days).  White Dog, The Other White Dog, Another White Dog, Still Another White Dog, and Yet Another White Dog are pleading that you buy and wear our battle gear. If just 25 friends purchase one of our tshirts we will be a quarter of the way toward our goal. The $25 price (which comes with free shipping), sends $10 to further our knowledge of breast cancer. E-mail me at sehismith@aol.com for purchasing information. Thanks.

oh, and White Dog says, the TWO Puppy up New Mexico Walks to End Cancer are September 30 (the Celebration of Hope) and November 4 (In Solidarity with Walks All Over the Country at the Beginning of canine Cancer Awareness Week). We promise to make you all proud!


Dachshund Nola said...

I'm so proud of you all!
Dachshund Nola

Kari in Alaska said...

oh wow! I am not yet at 500!!!

Stop on by for a visit

Agnes B. Bullock said...

We are volunteering WHN to make something for your fundraiser!

Marg said...

Wow, that sounds like such a worthwhile thing to do. Good for you to do so much for that darn cancer. Our Mom is fighting cancer too. It is a horrible disease. WE sure hope your campaign is a huge success. Big hugs to all those white dogs. Take care.

Unknown said...

What a great thing, cancer sucks. your right it doesnt deserve caps

Random Felines said...

we are so proud of you - for blogging that long and for taking a stand!!

Remington said...

2500! AWESOME! You do a GREAT job! Thanks for being our friend....

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is amazing, 2500! I mentioned you on my blog today. Hey, we will get a shirt when they are ready!!!

Little Reufus said...

Yeu know how we feel a bout that enemy what has robbed us so. Yeu haff been such a friend and suppor to us frew all our tribyeulayshuns... Fank Yeu for all Yeu deu!

wif berry berry much lubbs from Little Reufus.

Bailey Be Good! said...

Wowserz! That's a lot of posts! I just passed my 500th post last week! Congrats to you for all you do to support the fight. :)

Woofs & huggies! <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)

Tweedles -- that's me said...

You guys ROCK!
Your right- that c needs to be kicked out the door.

Jo's World said...

Cheers for the White Dog Army! We are all proud of you for what you do and will help as much as we can.

Cheers and hugs,

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

White Dog Blog said...

Thanks, Brian! You guys are so supportive. The shirts ARE ready. Momma even made special tags for them to tell about the project. E-mail us and let us know all the important info (size, address, etc.)

Sagira said...

2500 already? Seems like just yesterday we were at 1,000 huh? :)

We just sent you an email about the shirts.

KB said...

There's a long string of ribbons for dogs fighting osteosarcoma or dogs who have crossed the bridge from it that is circulating the country, attending walks like yours. I wonder if it's going to be there?

In the midst of our c journey, I've found a great community at a place called "tripawds.com". They originated the ribbons.