
January 10, 2013

White Dog, Guilty as charged but with extenuating circumstances?
White Dog squirmed in my arms so that her face faced mine. "When it is a choice between being there for someone you love or following the rules, Momma, which would you choose?" This was not an academic discussion but WD's response to my question of "Why?"

This morning Steve, YoYoMa, and White Dog leashed up and took the four-block walk to the groomer for Spa Day. Just as they were about to enter the shop, White Dog who had been tugging at her lead to go home slipped her collar and took off. She ran for home, Steve running after with YAWD yelling for her to STOP! and WAIT! She looked over her shoulder but continued running. Fortunately she had the good sense to pause at the street crossings to look for traffic (where Steve almost caught her a couple of times) but the last street before ours is a busy street with lots of traffic. She leaped up the stairs where Steve found her scratching with all of her might to get in. He loaded both White Dog and YoYoMa into the car and drove back to the groom shop leaving the stubborn girl in their carefully gated care.

I after a night of coughing (finally productively) was still in bed so knew nothing of the incident until Steve stormed in hands and voice shaking with a combination of total fear and rage. He told me the story with tears in his eyes as he thought about all of the horrors that could have played out. We held each other and whispered a huge "Thank You" for being spared.

White Dog is highly trained and knows fully well the basic commands Steve issued. She knows not to cross streets alone. These are not old learned skills but practiced daily routines. There was absolutely no excuse for what occurred, except for her question.

White Dog was a very impressionable young pup who spent virtually all of her time with me and then I had congestive heart failure, the paramedics took me away and I was in the hospital and rehab for over a month. In rehab she was allowed to visit me but she always had to leave and both of us suffered from that separation. That was a while ago. Since, whenever I am sick WD makes it her duty to be by my side. And she has been during this lost-voice, raging cough, wobbly head cold/flu thing that I have been fighting.

It is hard to be angry at someone who cares so much to risk limb and punishment to be there for you, yet her actions were wild and reckless. She put not only herself but Steve and YoYoMa in danger as they chased single focusedly after her. WD doesn't get to make decisions of this nature. She and Steve will be drilling twice as diligently but it all comes back to her question...


rottrover said...

Yep! guilty as charged! She doesn't get to decide. She has to trust you and Steve. There is NO worse feeling than calling your dog and having them ignore you while they do what they think is right (like in Bart and Gizmo's case, chase a coyote). Very glad this adventure was incident-free.

A gal just has to protect her momma...

Jo's World said...

Sorry, WD, that you made such a very reckless choice. I am afraid you will need to pay a little for this one!


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

I get shaky just reading about this. The "man upstairs" really had his arms around WD to help her make her trip safely.

Random Felines said...

OMC - WD...we love ya babe, but you gotta be more careful. We understand trying to protect your mom, but we are afraid that you may be guilty in this case.....

Kari in Alaska said...

Bad WD!

Stop on by for a visit

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Yes it was wrong but I can see what she meant and she does love you so.. I am sure WD will be more careful but I am also sure you will forgive the slip.. Get well soon.. Hugs GJ xx

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am just so happy that everyone is okay! It could have been so bad.
Angels were watching.