
January 17, 2013

White Dog saw Oso and Steve off first thing this morning while the others slept in. He was heading to the vet for his daylong Dex suppression test for Addison's Disease and was more than a little nervous.

Steve returned a short while later with the sadness of leaving our Little Man shaking in the arms of the Vet Tech and shared that OAWD had been so worked up that he left a stool sample in the car on the way there. The WDA paced and watched the clock until 4pm when we could bring our boy home. It was an unsettled day.

Of course, he was a perfect patient and everyone in Dr. Julia's office gave him extra love and support, but when he was led around the corner and saw Steve, Oso ZOOMED to the arms he knew would keep him safest...and bring him home.

At home, the WDA was gathered by the door when they came in and all sniffed and nuzzled and greeted Little Bear home. YoYoMa even offered Mr. Eggplant to Oso for a brief moment of play, showing him how to shake the stuffy to make him laugh. Oso politely asked YoYoMa to enjoy the toy as he was just tired and thirsty after his ordeal.

Oso slept most of the rest of the day, waking for his special dinner and visiting a bit with Daisy and Maple, but he retired early and went into a deep "do not disturb" sleep. We have in our research discovered that these sleeps are a symptom of the disease and mean an electrolyte imbalance and that we should not waken him, so Oso was excused from pre-bed walk maneuvers.

Dr. Julia's office sent our the bloodwork to the specialty lab with a "Rush" indicator hoping that we will have the results on Friday instead of having the agony of waiting all weekend; hopefully tomorrow we will have answers and a course of treatment.

On the Mighty Quinn front, it seems the adjustments to his meds is finally having a positive affect and he is less manic...and most important, is sleeping through the night. Our experiment with the Thundershirt proved that it did not offer Quinn any relief from his fearfulness. We thank The Slimmer Pugs for the generous gift of a shirt because it DOES seem to help YoYoMa during wind storms (which we got the opportunity to test during our recent run of nasty winter weather).

And for The Other White Dog, medicating about an hour before bed and a brief cuddle time wrapped in our arms on the bed seems to be the trick to Quinn then being able to settle down and sleep until morning.

The WDA thanks you all for your prayers, positive thoughts, and support for our two boys. Hopefully we will have answers to share tomorrow for Oso.


Random Felines said...

paws crossed for the boys.....they are so lucky to have found their forever home with you!!

Dachshund Nola said...

Paws crossed for your boys!

Brian's Home Blog said...

We are sending our strongest purrs and our very best prayers your way...along with lots of hugs.

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We'll keep the prayers going and hope for some good test results.

Kari in Alaska said...

I sure hope those tests come back tomorrow

Stop on by for a visit

rottrover said...

Ah, WDA! We are sending a big warm bubble of rottie lve to surround you!

Jo's World said...

I am glad to hear the Mighty Quinn is doing well. Sometimes its just us, with no gimmicks, that can help them the most.

Good luck to Oso on his tests too.

Cheers and hugs all around,

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

Sagira said...

Glad I'm reading new to old and already read the results.