
January 23, 2012

White Dog And The White Dog Army
Wonderful World Wednesday
White Dog and the rest of the Army watched with sadness the past few weeks as sports celebrities we respected and honored as being heroes and making the world a better place, have turned out to be disappointing opportunists. It has caused the WDA to wonder out loud if there is any true nobility in an arena that so many young people look to for inspiration and determination.

Turns out that sports heroes, genuine heroes whose hearts are in the right places and whose goal is not just to further a career or fame, DO still exist. Although these young men are the 2012 Sports Illustrated SportsKids of the Year, the WDA thinks they are amazing examples that rise above most adult and professional athletes. Good sportsmanship and teamwork and a drive to achieve more than just a win...that is what the game is all about and  Conner and Cayden bring back luster and belief  and hope.

Please watch these two awesome Athletes of the Year:


Dachshund Nola said...

That is great!

Agnes B. Bullock said...

Your pawrents are our heroes!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Very true.

But there is still hope out there!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh, that is so touching! True heroism, indeed.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Love it! There are lots of heros out there, I just hope the kids keep looking!

rottrover said...

Very cool!

Sagira said...

It is sad to hear those we looked up to led. I hope te charity is able to go on and help others.

KB said...

Beautiful. Tears in my eyes...

Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love hero stories

The Daily Pip said...

Yes, they are the true heroes!

Your pal, Pip

Random Felines said...

we love kids that want to paw it forward. there are those out there that kids can look up to - unfortuate that sometimes those are hard to find

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Miss Siku, I am back. Human puppies are good at sports. Would you like to on an e date this weekend?
Andy Stanley,the eskimo man dog

Wyatt said...

Very touching and inspirational...all leaky now....

bichonpawz said...

Absolutely touching. Heroes! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug