
April 27, 2013

White Dog was fuming. "What do you mean Yo and I cannot go?" she demanded. "That is the stupidest thing I ever heard!" "Be that as it may and I do agree with you," the rules clearly state 'No skateboards, roller blades or pets,' I quoted. "And we are LAST on the list to boot!" she growled.

Tomorrow is The American Cancer Society's Making Strides Against Breast Cancer Walk in Albuquerque and we signed up with our friend who owns our favorite pet store to walk as a team and to spread the word that not just humans get cancer...Mammary tumors are the most common tumors in intact female dogs, and in humans, breast cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in women. cancer is not just a human problem.

Lisa and the team she put together hoped to raise awareness about the universal scourge the c monster is and how it takes too many too soon--of all species. We all wanted to share the possibility with others at the walk that by Bridging our knowledge and understanding of this disease between vet and human medicine we can unlock its secrets and eliminate this monster from within all creatures.

Unfortunately, it seems that while the vet world is increasingly accepting of the immense value of Comparative Oncology, many human groups are not so aware or open to seeing. We cannot hand out informational fliers either, I told White Dog.

We will go, WDA-less and put our best foot forward to advance human breast cancer research. But, as I told the Little White Dog of My Heart, the rule makers cannot stop me from doing what I have gotten VERY good at...flashing photos of my White Ones and using their gorgeous faces to start a conversation about the Army and our mission and the wide swath of pain cancer causes. If they ASK for info, am I really breaking the rules to share a flier I just happen to have in the car?

White Dog high pawed me, "Momma, you do us proud! But know I am NOT happy about being excluded" "Nor am I," came a deeper voice from the front porch as YoYoMa also weighed in.


ChampersandsTail said...

Hi, I bounced on over here from Dachshund Nola's site and just wanted to say your white dogs are beautiful! I have an aunt who shows American Eskimos! Such fun dogs!

--Champ's mom

Marg said...

That is terrific thing to walk for. Our person has breast cancer. We think the White herd should have been able to go but I guess it could get a little out of hand. Hope it was a successful walk. Take care.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Well hopefully you can all attend the Walk Against Silly Human Decisions, just as soon as they get one scheduled!

meowmeowmans said...

We're sorry the WDA could not go with you (how preposterous!), but we hope you had a great day walking for such a terrific cause. Hugs to you all.

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh gosh---- who makes these rules anyway?

Sagira said...

I bet your mom will do you proud! :)