
May 17, 2013

Happy 1st Gotcha Day, Oso, The Fearless!

White Dog said, "It is kind of funny that we didn't even know we needed another white dog in the Army until Oso walked through the door a year ago as calm as can be like he owned the place...and now I cannot imagine The White Dog Army without him."

There is no doubt that the arrival of Oso The Fearless was a coalescing moment in the WDA. Maybe it was his nonplussed steady confidence. Maybe it was his assumption that of course everyone would love him and accept him. Maybe it was because he respected all of the others and did not try to push his way up the ladder. Maybe it was just the Power of Six.

For whatever reason, Oso (Oh, ANOTHER White Dog) is allowed to cuddle up to each of the WDA. He alone can shove his nose into the coffee cup during the boy's morning coffee club meeting, nosing out both YoYoMa and Quinn...and is met with patience as he drinks his fill of the cream tainted with a hint of coffee. OAWD snuggles into Michael's lap and gets up ultra early to supervise Steve as he does his homework. He is Quinn's mini-me and Nuka's walking buddy at the Park. He is our Master of Fen Shui as he drags the dog beds around and rearranges things to suit his sense of what feels right before he naps or turns his modified space over to Quinn.

None of these things we knew we needed, but now...life simply would be wrong if he were not a part of our family and hearts. We are SO glad that the tech at the City Shelter asked an acquaintance of ours "how to find the Eskie people" when Oso was surrendered for being "too old at 12  to make the transition to his family's new house" and we are forever grateful that Joyce brought us together...but I suspect that if Plan A had not worked our calm fearless boy had a Plan B and a Plan C that would have brought him here...after all it WAS meant to be.

So from Steve, Siku Marie, The Mighty Quinn, Nuka Angel, Puff The Magical, YoYoMa, Michael and your momma who loves you with a special piece of her heart that belongs just to you, Little Man, we wish you a Happy First Gotcha Day...we are blessed you are forever ours.


TimberLove said...

Happy gotcha day Oso!!


Tweedles -- that's me said...

We celebrate with you too!
Happy Gotcha Day!

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Happy 1st Gotcha Day Oso!! AND MANY MORE!!
Your name reminds us'uns of the theme song to a kids television show'ums:
"He's special agent Oso, the unique stuffed bear."
How appropriate...not that you are stuffed (except with delicious food)...but you are like a big furry teddy bear full of love and uniqueness.
Much Luvums our furiend,
The Slimmer Puggums
George, Gracie, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Gotcha Day sweet Oso!!!!

Jo's World said...

Nothing I love more than a dog that does a lot of thinking and doing. Makes life much more interesting! Here's to you OSO for a most fine Gotcha Day, and lots of fun along the way. Happy, happy!

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

24 Paws of Love said...

Happy First Gotcha Day Oso. There is something magical and just right about the number 6, isn't there? :)

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy Gotcha Day, Oso - that is one very beautiful slide show:)

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Sally Ann and Andy said...

Oso, hello from the southern branch of the white dog army. I am so glad you are there to keep my grrfriend safe.