
June 15, 2013

White Dog could not contain her excitement. It is once again the season of the Downtown Growers' Market on Saturdays. All of the White Dogs love going with to shop for locally grown fresh produce, baked goods, homemade dog treats, and all manner of wonderful cottage industry foods and crafts. There is music at the bandstand and noshing food vendors offer everything from Navajo Fry Bread to hot homemade breakfast burritos to fresh squeezed lemonade.

"Don't forget the candy apples," White Dog reminded me. Our friend, Valerie has a booth where she sells her delicious candy coated apples and chocolate dipped strawberries. Each of the White Dog Army has a favorite flavor but all agree that the plain buttery caramel ones are exquisite. Steve enjoys the Peanut turtle version...a juicy fresh apple wrapped in caramel, rolled in chopped peanuts and then double dipped in chocolate. It is a tradition to end our shopping trip with treats from Valerie and the Droolicious Dog Treats folks and then sit on the steps of the old Victorian home converted into offices across from the Park as we devour Saturday morning heaven.

It is impossible to shop and visit in the crowd with six White Dogs in tow (no matter how well behaved, they form a wall of protection around me) so it has also become a Summer Ritual that two pups at a time get to join us on a revolving basis. This week it was White Dog and YoYoMa's turns. We left to grumbles of "Lucky Dogs!" and pleas to "bring home something tasty for us!"

We returned to a barricade of the WDA who would not let us inside until they had been allowed to sniff the bags of vegetables for salads and dinners. Steve had to push Quinn's insistent nose out of the bag of fresh peaches while Puff kept trying to grab the container of vanilla yogurt dog cookies.

Once inside we put things away and shared cookies and bites of a caramel apple. "Whose turn is next week?" Oso demanded to know.


Brian's Home Blog said...

That is some serious shopping fun!!!

rottrover said...

Our local famer's market doesn't allow dogs! Can you believe that??

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Sagira said...

Sounds like a great time.