
June 3, 2013

White Dog woke me by doing zoomies over my still curled form on the bed. "Wake Up!" she panted as she danced all over the blankets, "Dad is getting his bike ready! We're going to the Bosque!"

I wrapped my arm around her and gently pulled her down to lie next to me. "Um, Little One, you are bruising me to blueness over a misunderstanding." "No, really. I was out helping check the air pressure in the tires and everything." "Sweet One, you are right that dad is getting his bike ready but not for what you think."

"What then?" White Dog asked.

"Today is the day that dad starts teaching his special seminar at the University. Remember? The one that helps future architects build 3D computer models of their work. Every day for the next four weeks he will go in the morning to teach this class...and he will ride his bike because it is faster and he doesn't have to worry about finding parking."

"We aren't going to the Bosque?" White Dog rested her head on my arm. "AND dad is going to be gone EVERY morning now? AND he is going to have THREE late nights starting the middle of June? I HATE this month!"

I turned my drama queen's face to look into my eyes. "June is going to be a bit of a challenge, I agree. But your know dad loves teaching this seminar every summer because he enjoys the creativity of the students who attend. It is only from nine until 11:30 and does not interrupt our free time. The White Dog Army is barely shaking out the sleepies from their post breakfast nap at the time he gets back."

"But dad already works too hard!" White Dog whined. "He does, Little One, I won't argue, but some of what drives him is his passion. You know how much it thrills him to know he makes a difference in the lives of his students; it is a special feeling...like how you feel when a new pup joins the WDA and you help them adapt and fit in perfectly; I know you have felt specially wonderful every time that has happened because of your guidance." White Dog nodded her head.

"But three late nights?" "More students are signing up for night classes so the school must shift its schedules to accommodate them. Remember, that things will change again when the quarter does. I know it is hard and that every one hates the readjustment but we will make the transition and will find a way to be happy...we also do.

"On the bright side, next week dad gets an entire week off of everything except the morning seminar, even his own student schoolwork, because it is break. And when they go back to start the new quarter dad doesn't have to go into school to teach until the very late afternoon so he will be with you all day and he has actual weekends off like everyone else, Saturday and Sunday, two days in a row."

I gathered WD into my arms and sat up. "Now let's go make sure dad is ready and has some breakfast before he goes. then you and I can start making a list of fun things the WDA wants to do next week while he has time off." I kissed her head and watched the floof of her curled tail disappear down the hall.


bichonpawz said...

We think it's hard to get used to when somebody changes the schedule all around too!! Hope he enjoys his classes! xoxo Chloe and LadyBug

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

It is always wonderful to be able to work at a job that one loves.

We know the WDA will be greatly rewarded for their patience this week.

Woos - Phantom, Thunder, Ciara, and Lightning

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We know this is a hard week, but just think about the rewards that will come later!


Random Felines said...

Tell the White Dog that influencing the next generation in a positive way is VERY important.... even if it cuts into the dad time at home :)

Brian's Home Blog said...

Humans can sure be confusing sometimes!

Alien said...

Sometimes switching up the old routine can be a good thing! The classes sound fantastic.


meowmeowmans said...

We know it's so hard, White Dog. But know that your Dad is doing awesome and wonderful things by teaching and inspiring future generations. :)