
July 30, 2013

White Dog sighed. "We caught Nuka's pancreatitis flareup early but not soon enough. My poor sister!" Nuka did do well last night, continuing to drink and eat...and she had firmed up. But this morning I tried several times and she would NOT eat and she only sipped at water.

I waited until lunchtime, hopeful for a change, before calling Dr. Julia with the day's report. While she was pleased at the news of last night when she heard Nuka was not eating or adequately drinking today she insisted our girl come in for an afternoon of IV fluids and new bloodwork.

The White Dog Army was disquieted when Steve loaded the limp Another White Dog into the van and made the five-minute trip to Dr. Julia's. When he returned shortly after without her, the Army was truly rattled. All afternoon, Puff kept watch out of the the window. Oso refused to leave the front door; first standing there for a long time and finally when his little legs could stand no longer, he laid against the wood. Nuka's special buddy, Quinn, wandered around looking for his sister most of the afternoon (I worried that he would have a manic episode but he held it together); then he laid down on her bed.

Steve picked Nuka up on his way home from work at six and all of us clamored to touch or sniff her when they walked through the door. Both of her front legs had been shaved; just as the "Nuka boots" from her March attack were nearly grown out.

She had been hydrated "like crazy" Steve had been told and she had eaten some wet food. Dr. Julia wants her to come in tomorrow for the morning in the hopes that by being aggressive in our treatment from the start, Nuka's pancreas and liver numbers will quickly go back to normal.

Tonight the Army is still nervous and needy. Every pup is demanding special attention and sticking close together. Nuka sleeps, but not before actually eating as I held her in my arms. She even managed a wag at the tiny bit of duck jerky she got as a "clean plate" award.

Quinn refused to eat as did Oso and White Dog. A little personal feeding and soft whispered coaxing stretched dinnertime out, but ultimately everyone ate. When one of us is off, we all are affected.

I worry when Quinn does not eat. His seizure meds are so dependent upon everything staying constant and in balance. My secret fear is that Quinn's chronic pancreatitis will choose now to come out hiding after two-and-a-half years.Although his is mild compared to what AWD goes through, now just would not be a good time.


24 Paws of Love said...

Paws crossed for you and Nuka and all the WDA. I like the way Dr. Julia is thinking. Hopefully she be better in no time.

rottrover said...

Come on Nuka! We're pulling for, girl!

Bart, Ruby and Otto

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

We're sending you guys and the WDA special hugs and prayers that everyone will be well and back to normal soon.

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

All paws crossed for both Nuka and Quinn. Time for you all to have a stretch of good health.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh dear Nuka, we are all sending our best healing purrs and prayers to you.

meowmeowmans said...

We wish we could just make it all better. Hopefully, our purrs prayers and love will help Nuka and all of you to get through this rough patch.

Random Felines said...

poor Nuka. We hope she starts feeling better quickly and that no one else feels poorly. purrs

Tweedles -- that's me said...

I am sending all the good thoughts to you that i can muster! Paws crossed for all.

The Daily Pip said...

Sending much love and support across the miles to sweet Nuka!!

Your pal, Pip