
November 19, 2013

White Dog and Puff The Magical, Still Another White Dog, are enough alike to sometimes get on each others' nerves. Puff is the ONLY member of the White Dog Army to challenge WD or who is bold enough to attempt to steal her breakfast. They both come from Kansas, same breeder, in fact...only WD came from an era that the breeder was stable and had a good reputation; Puff from the disaster days when cancer struck and the farm was lost and the breeder let senior Puff languish outdoors through all weather and seasons.
Steve flew with a friend to rescue the little Heartworm + Stage 3 breeder girl. She was terrified of the plane, of Steve, of the house, of WD and Quinn and Nuka. We had to gate her into the office to keep her from fleeing out to the corner of the yard where she tried to dig a nest in the dirt. Indoors, she sat and shook, letting only Steve close enough to feed or touch her. I was convinced that she would NEVER learn to trust me enough to even stroke her fur.

That was three years ago.

Since that time, she became Nuka's comfort zone; YoYoMa's Lolita; Quinn's silent guardian. She has patiently let Oso stumble and land on her and often has merely shifted so he could lie beside her. SAWD takes over Taiko's bed just long enough for him to settle on the floor; then she gets up, touches his nose and finds her usual sleeping spot.

Puff The Magical is Bella's mentor and the newest recruit follows her lead without hesitation. It was Puff who taught the Tiny Dancer to confidently go in and out of the dog door...and to ask for treats...and is doing a great job as her leash partner. Steve thinks they get along so well because they share so much of the same story, including coming from Kansas and being breeder girls past their prime.

Puff still is not fond of being held but she tolerates our morning ritual of my holding her as I whisper her names, thank her for choosing to be part of our family, tell her I love her and kiss her on the head. Immediately after, though, she jumps down. She loves being brushed and will sit as long as Steve will comb through her furs and talk with her. She is still shy in public but refuses to be left behind if the WDA goes for a car ride. She rips the squeakers out of stuffies and will take Yo's toy from between his paws if she decides it needs to be silenced. Her ritual that makes me sit still as a rock involves lying next to my feet and placing her paws on my foot, like we are holding hands. She will often sleep that way for quite sometime as I try not to move or break the magic.
She is 15 now and her furs are getting a bit thin in some places. Our most feral child has accepted with grace the need to wear shirts and sweaters this time of year to protect her delicate lungs. Puff is a fighter and seems to understand the value in spending time in the oxygen kennel (she is OK as long as she can see Steve working next to her at his desk). Limber and arthritis-free, our girl is an inspiration not to fear growing old...she still sings the Song to the Mailman louder and longer than any of the pack but WD.

Tonight the White Dog Army, all of us, celebrated our girl in our usual fiesta manner...a good homecooked meal and a special cake (apples, carrots and cranberries) topped with whipped cream. There will be surprise treats at bedtime.

from Siku Marie, YoYoMa, Oso The Fearless, Taiko the Tender-Heart, Bella E. Premusoro, Steve, Michael and me ...it was indeed a magical day when you joined the Army and enriched our lives.


Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Happy Gotcha day sweet one. It was indeed a magical day when you joined the loving home of the White Dog Army. Love from across the pond. Enjoy all your treats xx

Jo's World said...

Puff, you are in the BEST place of all!


Agnes B. Bullock said...

Happy Gotcha Day Puff!

bbes tribe said...

Hey Puff, sending happy gotcha day wishes to you and
To all the members of the pack, what great people and pups you all are!
Ernie and the pack

TimberLove said...

Happy gotcha day baybee!!!!


♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

Happy 3rd Gotcha Day, Puff - bet you really love being "GOT" by this family.

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

Random Felines said...

Happy Gotcha Day Puff!!!! We are so happy your senior years are being spent in such a wonderful family.

Kari in Alaska said...

Happy Gotcha Day

Stop on by for a visit

Tweedles -- that's me said...

Happy Gotch Day Puff!
We love you!

Little Reufus said...

I love that story! Habby Birfday, Puff!!!

wif lubbs from Little Reufus

Bailey Be Good! said...

Happy Gotcha day, Puff!! So sorry I was a little late. :(

Woofs & huggies, <3

~Bailey (Yep, I'm a girl!)