
December 13, 2013

White Dog and YoYoMa present a little Friday, the 13th humor...

White Dog: Knock! Knock!

YoYoMa: BARK!! Yip! hoooowwwwlll! Grrrrr! barkbarkbarkbark! awoooooo! Yipyipyipyipyip! GROWLbarkGrowlbarkbarkbark! hoooowwwlll! awoooo! Grr! BARK!! Yip! hoooowwwwlll! Grrrrr! barkbarkbarkbark! awoooooo! Yipyipyipyipyip! GROWLbarkGrowlbarkbarkbark! hoooowwwlll! awoooo! Grr!

WD: Knock! Knock!

Yo: BARK!! Yip! hoooowwwwlll! Grrrrr! barkbarkbarkbark! awoooooo! Yipyipyipyipyip! GROWLbarkGrowlbarkbarkbark! hoooowwwlll! awoooo! Grr! BARK!! Yip! hoooowwwwlll! Grrrrr! barkbarkbarkbark! awoooooo! Yipyipyipyipyip! GROWLbarkGrowlbarkbarkbark! hoooowwwlll! awoooo! Grr!

WD: You are supposed to say "who is it?"

Yo: We NEVER ask! It doesn't matter. We say BARK!! Yip! hoooowwwwlll! Grrrrr! barkbarkbarkbark! awoooooo! Yipyipyipyipyip! GROWLbarkGrowlbarkbarkbark! hoooowwwlll! awoooo! Grr! BARK!! Yip! hoooowwwwlll! Grrrrr! barkbarkbarkbark! awoooooo! Yipyipyipyipyip! GROWLbarkGrowlbarkbarkbark! hoooowwwlll! awoooo! Grr!

WD: Never mind.


meowmeowmans said...

Bwahahaha! Around here, it goes like this:

Knock knock!

Thumpathumpathumpathumpa (i.e. the sound of the cats rapidly running up the stairs to the bedrooms)

Brian's Home Blog said...

That's funny!!!!!!

KB said...

That's super funny! I guess knock-knock jokes really don't work for dogs!

rottrover said...

BOL!! Yo-Yo, we'd have the same response, dude!

Bart, Ruby and Otto

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Hehehe, we never ask either. We love to bark when we hear a knock at the door! No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Lol yes that is funny and I loved the picture of you all.. x

Kari in Alaska said...

bwa ha ha ha

Stop on by for a visit

FiveSibesMom said...

Too funny! Love all the floofy white tails!