
January 18, 2014

White Dog said, "He's not even helping, really. The little old man just wanted an excuse to cuddle in your arms while you are working. He's sleeping for dog's sake!"

I looked down at the bundle of white fur that was putting my arm to sleep and causing me to type, mouse, and click one-handed across the length of the keyboard. He wasn't quite asleep. I asked her, "And what's wrong with that?"


Tweedles -- that's me said...

Oh little cuddle bugs in your lap!
How sweet!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

:) :)

Mom wouldn't know how to type if she didn't have one of us LAP WARMERS available!

Hap-Pee Monday!

Random Felines said...

awwww - nothing wrong with that at all. :)

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Oh the sweetest thing ever. Forget the work, just cuddle. x

Kari in Alaska said...

That's how Big Carl 'helps' me

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