
January 6, 2014

White Dog could not believe the physical evidence of all those who left well wishes during her Birthday Comment-A-Thon before Christmas. The blankets arrived...all 72 of them, thanks to the wonderful members of our Blog Family and beyond who helped the White Dog Army not just reach but surpass their original goal...and thus help provide warmth to needy senior dogs, kitties, and children.

After unboxing the blankets and taking an inventory, the White Dog Army divvied up the blankets that will go to Animal Crackers Senior Dog Hospice, Cuidando los Ninos Family Shelter, The Espanola Valley Humane Society, and Fat Katz.

Nancy and Dawn took the blankets heading up to Espanola when they were here to deliver dog treats and the gorgeous sweatshirts for Puff and Bella yesterday. They live nearby and happily volunteered to deliver them.

We loaded the blankets for Fat Katz into Pumpkin and in the company of White Dog headed over to the Fat Katz adoption center at our local Petco. There WD surprised Jen with her donation.

The temperature here is getting colder, although nothing like those frigid numbers back East, so blankets will be much appreciated by the Family Shelter and Animal Crackers when we deliver them across this week. Old joints and shoeless infants will benefit from the warmth of fleece shielding them from the cold.

We want everyone who participated to know how grateful the WDA is to you...and to let you know you had a paw or hand in making the world a warmer, safer place for 72 beings in need. We hope that makes you feel as good as it does us. Thanks so much.


rottrover said...

Woo-HOO! WDA!!

The Slimmer Pugs, Kitties, and Mama said...

Way to go WDA family!!
Much Luvums,
The Slimmer Puggums & Mama Mindy
George, Toby, Lily, & Mimi

Random Felines said...

YAY!!! Good job WDA!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

A post to make the heart sing x

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is so very WD wonderful!

Tweedles -- that's me said...

yay yay yay we are clapping or hands!

bichonpawz said...

WaHOO! Awesome WDA!!! We love you and all the good you do!! xo Chloe and LadyBug