
August 13, 2014

White Dog was sitting next to Steve on the couch and the rest of the White Dog Army formed a half circle around him on the floor. Steve had asked for a meeting of the White Dog Army to discuss a gift that was being offered to him.

Steve is a marvelous department head at the college but he truly shines as spectacular when it comes to interacting and motivating his students. A good portion of his "kids" are sort of aimless with no confidence or idea of what it takes to create yourself into a strong, social contributor with skills. He counsels, he tutors, he mentors, he listens to problems that go beyond the classroom...but most of all by the respect and genuineness he gives each student, he inspires them to achieve because they know someone believes in them. He truly changes lives.

Recently, Steve graduated one student, a Native American (this is only important because of their culture), who struggled from day one in his program. The young man had a family and had already tried and abandoned several other fields of study. "Please get him through this," his wife quietly requested at his orientation. There were personal problems to conquer, study skills to teach, confidence building to do, much hand holding and tutoring...but Steve told this student he would go the distance if the student would. Well, he did and graduated with a "b" average AND found a job. His family was astonished and overcome with joy.

In his culture, this is the importance of his heritage, what Steve did is considered a HUGE debt that the family felt obligated to repay in some fashion. They needed to share something with Steve that was significant and important. For him to refuse would have been an insult.

"Momma told us that being a gracious and loving recipient is just as important as being a good giver," White Dog said indicating they understood. The family's beloved and prized dog was about to give birth...and the family, who of course knew about the White Dog Army wanted Steve to have one of this special litter.

THAT was the topic under discussion. "Wow! A puppy! Are we up for all of the energy and training and boundlessness of such a wee one?" "Can the WDA stretch to fit one more?"...there were lots of questions but you already know the decision made.

The pups were born on the Fourth of July and today the White Dog Army picked up its newest and youngest recruit.

Siku Marie (THE White Dog), YoYoMa (Yet Another White Dog), Puff The Magical (Still Another White Dog), Taiko the Tender Heart (Oh Yes! Another White Dog), Bella E. Premurosa (Tiny White Dog) , and Sachi the Undaunted (Of Course, A White Dog) .introduce...

Zsofia, The Sky-Eyed (White Dog At Heart)


ThePainterPack said...

I squeeeeeled when I saw this! I am so happy for you all! How did you pick the name? Boy? Girl? I'm just so happy for ya!!! Is it a husky or mix? DETAILS!!!

Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

OMD.....How Sweet! Welcome to the WDA, little one!


NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

To say we approve would be THE understatement to end all understatement!


PeeEssWoo: What a pawesome name!

♥♥ The OP Pack ♥♥ said...

OMD< we are stunned!!! What a beauty - all the best to all of you!!!

Woos - Phantom, Ciara, and Lightning

FiveSibesMom said...

Oh how beautiful Zsofia is and her coming to the WDA story. This pup could not be in a more loving, nurturing home. We are just SO excited for your adventures to come! Welcome, welcome, sweet baby to the most kindest, loving family you could ever have hoped for! And with a whole army of siblings to play with! Warm, welcoming Husky woos from our furkids to you!

rottrover said...

OH!!! Welcome, welcome, welcome!! You all are going to have your paws full!!

-Bart, Ruby and Otto

Tweedles -- that's me said...

ohhh happy happy happy!

KB said...

Oh my goodness... What an incredible gift of love. Steve must be a truly inspiring mentor. I can't wait to learn more about your little one.

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Ksofia what a beautiful name and it so suits you . What a precious gift and what a time you are going to have. Steve you are truly an inspiration and the young mans family gave you their prize possession which they knew you would treasure. A great honour indeed. Welcome darling little one. Xx

Jo's World said...

What a little beauty this new addition is. We love her name and o course our Zkhat thinks she is named after HER (Ziva Zophia)! The WDA is most deserving of such an honor to be gifted with this precious soul through Steve and his wonderful abilities. Here's to a happy future together for all of you!

Cheers and Hugs,

Jo, Stella and Zkhat

TimberLove said...

Hawwwooooo huskerboo! Oh we are all sooo excited here to meet woo! We can't wait to hear about all woos adventures with the WDA! You are a real looker BOL!! Play bows,

RA, Isis & NanĂ¼k

holly and the huskies said...

Congrats on the new member of the WDA! We are so excited to hear more stories!
Please give the pup a husky hug from us!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Such a cutie pie, welcome to the Army!

24 Paws of Love said...

OMD!! A HUSKY!!! How Awesome! He/she is so beautiful. How long has it been since you had a puppy?? BOL!

Steve what a wonderful and well deserved gift to honor you with.

Can't wait to hear more about Zsofia! (how do you pronounce?)

Jans Funny Farm said...

This is a wonderful present and we know you will all make the new member welcome.

bichonpawz said...

Oh MY! What an honor!!! Adorable puppy!!! Welcome to the WDA!!! This is going to be an exciting time for you all. Kudos to Steve for his assistance in mentoring his student! Congratulations everyone!! Can't wait to hear more!
xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

bichonpawz said...

Oh MY! What an honor!!! Adorable puppy!!! Welcome to the WDA!!! This is going to be an exciting time for you all. Kudos to Steve for his assistance in mentoring his student! Congratulations everyone!! Can't wait to hear more!
xo Jeanne, Chloe and LadyBug

Random Felines said...

eeep - she is adorable!

meowmeowmans said...

Oh my gosh, SO adorable! Congratulations to Zzsofia, and to the entire WDA! :)