
September 1, 2014

White Dog and the White Dog Army want to thank Ann from Zoolatry for the incredible new look for our blog. She is so amazingly perceptive and creative...what she developed captures the soul of the White Dog Army. There are still a few small changes yet to come and Ann cleverly set things up so you can watch Zsofia grow as we change her photo on the header. We are thrilled and so very grateful!  This special makeover was a highlight of our Labor Day celebration.

The rest of the day was pretty straight forward. We waited for the promised barbecue (not without drama or a certain lack of patience)...

Then we supervised the cooking of the Greek chicken, roasted potato packets, and homegrown zucchini (from Elena's garden) chips...
And then we daintily nibbled tiny bites between long conversations about our favorite parts of the summer....RIGHT! NOT!!!!! We gobbled our dinner nearly before dad was done setting the bowls on the floor. WAY too fast for photos! 

Happy Labor Day.


rottrover said...

We LOVE your new header! Happy autumn!

The Rotties

TimberLove said...

Very cool header indeed! Play bows,


Brian's Home Blog said...

That new header is so wonderful!!!

Random Felines said...

it looks great and the feast sounds wonderful!!

24 Paws of Love said...

Sounds like a wonderful way to wind down summer and the header looks great!

Pretty soon you're going to need a bigger header! :)

Love you guys.♥

Sagira said...

Love the new look! That pup sure is growing fast!

STELLA and RORY from Down Under said...

Howdy White Dog Army. We LOVE your new header. It's wonderful. Glad you all shared such a good day together. No worries, and love, Stella and Rory

Agnes B. Bullock said...


Tweedles -- that's me said...

We love the look of your blog................
they did a good job!

Jo's World said...

Hello Sue, Steve and the Army! Please excuse my long absence, I have been sick a-bed with a respiratory virus but I am getting better! I have just read all your posts from 9-1 back to end of August! What a rollicking household you have now with the addition of one little Sibe,Zsofia. Sounds like white pups are holding their own with her. I think between the ALL of you, she will be well trained and a joy.

Your new header is great and Ann has such skill putting it all together.Jo, Stella and Zkhat