
June 15, 2015

White Dog followed Steve into the office and watched him choose teaching clothes from his closet. It dawned on her that he was preparing to return to work. "Noooooooooooo!" she howled. This brought the White Dog Army running and soon they, too, joined in the song of lament.

It was particularly difficult because Steve had taken vacation time between quarters and was home all of last week. The Army thought there was nothing unusual with that but basked in his being home even though his "to do" list was jam packed. He was home.

Today starts the new quarter at school...and a new schedule. He will not be teaching on Saturdays for the first time in ages but July is Opera Season so the White Ones will get limited pleasure out of that day off as we head to Santa Fe in the late afternoon and do not return until after midnight.

In exchange for Saturday time off, Steve will be teaching THREE late night classes that do not end until 11pm. The WDA groaned because they hate eating dinner without him and the endless wait for the headlights to shine up the drive.

This week Steve also has an extra late night as he must fill in for one of his adjunct faculty members who does not return to the city until next week. So he will be out late nearly every night. And just to add to the White Dog separation anxiety, for the next two weeks Steve still teaches his summer session morning class in information modeling to grad students at UNM.

These adjustments are hard on the WDA...as well as on Steve. He tries to make up for not being home by still doing bedtime walks at midnight and the pups get snacks as he eats a light supper when he returns. The relief when he is home is obvious as the White Dogs, particularly Ferguson, Sachi, Zsofia, and Puff, smother him with attention and demands for interaction.

White Dog has what the Army feels is an "easy" solution. "Why doesn't dad just win one of these bazillion dollar lottery things and then he doesn't have to leave us ever to go to work?" she asks.


Gus said...

Can he take one of them with him on a kind of rotating basis. Rich takes one dog to the office one day a week. It is "dad time" for each of them. Indeed, they spend most of the day in his office, but it is a chance for different walk environments, special "office" treats, and many of the students have started to "drop in" on dog day. Actually, Rich says the students are much more outgoing and forthcoming with a dog in her/his lap. Only problems encountered? There are many other profs who have a similar (but not a terrier)days. It can get complicated! AND both dogs have figured out when lunch is about to happen and the dog of the day ambushes him when he returns from the dining hall. ;)

TimberLove said...

We spy huskerboo paws!


White Dog Blog said...

One or another DOES occasionally get the chance to go along, especially if it is only office hours. But on late nights class goes from 6:30 until 11pm with only one 15 minute breakand the pups would not be allowed in the classroom/lab...but the WDA LOVES your thought, Gus!

And Nanuk, you have very keen eyes, because yes, Zsofia sits there to leap over the others when Steve arrives...AND she can also see out of the window to woo her "Hurry Homes!"