
August 25, 2015

White Dog sniffed the air and gave me a look. Steve was harnessing up members of the White Dog Army for bedtime walks; it was time for Puff and Bella to head out.

"Momma," she said, "I am kind of worried about the smokey air. Breathing it can't be good for Puff." "I know, Sweet One. Dad will keep her walk short and pay close attention. It is just that she thinks she is being punished if she is denied her nite-nite stroll. I worry about Sachi, too."

For the past few day Albuquerque has been under a health advisory regarding our air quality. Those with breathing, asthma, and pulmonary issues are being asked to stay indoors and to use caution during times of exertion. The smoke is thick enough that even this poorly sensed human can smell it so I can only imagine how much more potent it is to the White Dog Army.

The smoke is a result of air currents sweeping the polluted air from the fire ravaged Pacific Northwest and California east and south to become trapped in our city's valley. "But that is so far away," YoYoMa commented. He is from Northern California. "It is amazing that something going wrong in one place can reach so far as to potentially make our Puff sick."

Candace had complained earlier that her throat was feeling raw. Several of the White Dog Army have itchy eyes and are sneezing. When Steve came back with the girls, he put Puff in the oxygen kennel for a little extra support while he walked the rest of the Army...and he took a hit on his asthma inhaler before heading out with Ferguson and Sachi.

We ask the Universe to provide rain, an end to the drought and whatever resources are needed to help contain these fires that are destroying millions of acres that are homes for so many creatures and which are putting so many lives in jeopardy (both from the actual fires and from their side effects).

So much has been forever lost that we ache at the thought. Please let it end so the air can clear and the healing can begin.


Random Felines said...

we are sending purrs to all those effected by the fires and their effects....

meowmeowmans said...

So much danger, destruction and far-reaching effects. :(

We are purring and praying...

FiveSibesMom said...

We so hope for clearing and healing... thinking of you all. xo

Anonymous said...

So good she cut down on Rimadyl! Might want to try to replace it altogether with CanineActiv. Has worked wonders for my pooch. Poor little guy! Hope he feels better!