
March 19, 2016

White Dog, clipboard at the paw, looked up and asked, "So what is the plan for the Vernal Equinox Celebration tomorrow?" "Are we having one?" I replied and was met with a snort.

"Clearly Park Time but we need to so something symbolic of the return of green to the world," she suggested. "Like we should plant some plants or rake the old leaves away from the flower beds. Of course, there must be Spring Festival foods."

"Such as?"

"Well, lamb and Spring veggies is a good choice. Maybe lamb kabobs that we can grill after we work in the yard. And Spring cookies. We could make those this afternoon while we wait for dad."

"Seems you have a plan. Let's go see what we have to make into Spring cookies." We went into the kitchen trailing the rest of the White Dog Army and opened the refrigerator door.

"Hmmm. Butter is good. So are eggs. Coconut always reminds me of Easter cakes. Ohh, some of that homemade blackberry jam." Tails were wagging.

We decided on oatmeal cocounut bar cookies with a stripe of jam baked into the top of each bar. As we mixed and stirred, every pup got a finger-lick of coconut milk and a snort of toasted coconut. Then the pan went into the oven where it was guarded by White Dogs lying across the kitchen floor.

The baking cookies smelled delicious and when they came out, there was a hue and cry to sample. "Too hot! And I have not even cut these yet. AND they are for tomorrow!" The WDA pouted mightily.

When Steve walked through the door he was greeted with news of the cookies cooling in the kitchen. He followed the WDA in to see. "Smells great!" he told them. "Let's cut just little tiny pieces from the edges now so we can make sure they taste as good."

No one mentioned that momma had already said "no."


Random Felines said...

We here dad's are good at those rule breaking moments

meowmeowmans said...

Hmmm, we sense a debate coming on! :)

FiveSibesMom said...

Mmmm...what a wonderful way to be greeted at home! I can smell those cookies!
(Not telling Dad Mom already said "no" was brilliant! Shhh...WDA...don't tell Mom I said that!)