White Dog watched Steve for a few minutes before she said, "Dad just has a magic touch."
When C.A.Stormer first came to us I was warned that he NOT a big fan of good personal hygiene...you know, tooth cleaning, having his coat brushed, fussing with his feet and nails. Over the past few weeks we have made a point to extend belly rubs (which he loves) to include an all-over body rub and game of puppy patty cake, patty cake. We are a long way from nail trims but Stormer now happily gives up his paw to be gently squeezed and caressed. Tooth care is still at its earliest stages where he licks the homemade toothpaste from a finger. Neither he, nor I, are quite confident enough yet to insert a finger into his mouth.
It is coat blowing season so Steve thinks the itchiness may have worked in his favor, but today his Best Bud stretched out in total bliss as Steve stroked his coat releasing four huge brushfuls from our boy. There was not a single word of of complaint as our sometimes Grumpy Old Man twisted and squirmed to show Steve spots that needed attention and then kicked his legs in happy response.
When C.A. uttered one long drawn out sigh of total contentedness and wrapped his front paws around Steve's arm, Steve gave him the treat all his "customers" get at the end of a session and kissed his head.
Wow, that's a whole lot of fur! How great that C.A. Stormer was able to enjoy Dad Steve's ministrations today. :)
Thats a lot of fluffyness!!!
Good job C.A.! It's nice to look nice:) Play bows,
Such a cute pup, love the pics! Thanks for the post!
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