White Dog and the rest of the White Dog Army were not keen on the steady rain that was interfering with their Friday evening enjoyment. After dinner Steve took Puff out into the yard to take care of business and both came back inside 10 minutes later wet and dripping. His gaggle of followers who usually bound out with the two opted this night to peer out of the windows in support.
We listened to the rain falling; inside it was soothing in a way; but the extra humidity was something we are not used to. Those with creaky parts were stiff in movement and Steve had a sinus headache.
Fortunately our White Ones with storm/noise issues were spared any sort of fury; the rain was just watery determination. It was not a stormy night; the rain was just constant relentlessly dropping water at a pace to make being outdoors unpleasantly damp. Pre-bed time walks were quick, no-nonsense deals; the entire WDA was back inside in twenty minutes (normally walking all of the pups takes around 90 minutes).
Since it was still early, we decided to cuddle and begin a new television adventure, Poldark, about a revolutionary soldier who returns to England to rebuild his life and family's fortunes. As Steve arranged comfy pillows for all, the White Dogs tried for one last outside...
A line formed at the dog door as most of the WDA took turns stepping just outside the door onto the deck and then quickly pushing back through. Clever Bella thought she masterminded a solution following Zsofia's example of standing half outside while using the door flap as an umbrella...except our Tiny Dancer did not take into account that the business end of her body was still INSIDE. oops! A quick cleanup on the huge kitchen type mat whose texture change from the wood floor defines the exit for our visually impaired kids, and it was time to settle in for the show.
We were barely 10 minutes into the program when our power flickered off and then quickly back on...just enough to rest the ROKU and force us to start viewing from the beginning. When the same thing happened near the end of the hour, we took it as a sign to give hugs and kisses and to sleep. We would finish the episode another night.
Sounds like Zsofia came up with a great solution. Bella, you almost got it, smart girl. :)
Stay dry, and love on, sweet friends!
We have had lots of rain here and some snow (I'm sure you remember how weird spring can be here in Chicago). Ruby hates the rain and will only stay out a minute or two if any rain is falling.
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