
August 6, 2016

White Dog, actually all of the White Dog Army, was not so secretly grateful that opera season was over and that we would not be dashing off "forever" this afternoon.

But White Dog needed more than a normal Saturday. She sat next to me and said, "Sometimes the responsibilities of being the Queen are draining. Everyone has a complaint...or they all forget their manners...or I have to settle disputes. I can even hear them from my bed sometimes, when I want to be alone, but I know that I must go out and take part." I nodded, "Leadership is not easy. I understand."

When Steve got home from school, we prepared to run out to do a couple of quick errands. "Someone needs some alone time," I mentioned. Steve changed clothes and we gathered our list.The WDA surged toward the door thinking that we were breaking our promise and we trying to sneak out for the night.

"Dear Ones, a few errands, getting dog food, and home, that is our agenda. An hour or two at most." Steve had wrangled his way to the door holding the Army at bay. He quickly swung open the door and called "Let's Go Baby Girl!" She was through the door ahead of her siblings by a whisker and the door was closed.

I kissed heads. "We will be home quickly and then have treats," I promised. "YoYoMa is in charge. Be good."

It was an hour and forty-five minutes of heaven for WD as she hopped from her captain's perch on the console to the back seat to look out of THAT window. At Boofy's she won favor (and treats) with a few standby tricks and then was totally content to wander and rest while we talked.

We pulled up to our house just as the first raindrops fell. "Oh good," I said, "home before the storm kicked in and pups got upset." "Everyone was perfectly behaved," Yo reported to White Dog. She turned me, "Then let's call it time for jerky."

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