
November 20, 2016

White Dog collapsed against me. "What a busy day, momma! I know most weekends are full with errands and things that need to get done but this one we have outdone ourselves!"

I had to agree. It did seem like there was not a single moment of idleness. Saturday we rushed from Trixie's trip to the vet back home to settle her in and give the White Dog Army a quick update, then we dashed off to Danny's open house for the wonderful aquaponics project he is initiating at a Middle School. Then to the grocery and home to boil eggs for White Dog Army meal prep which was on the schedule for the next day. We looked up and the clock (as well as the White Dogs) revealed dinner was late. Dinner, barely time for post dinner naps and Snap! it was to take pre-bed walks, eat treats and collapse in bed.

Sunday the WDA barely had time for breakfast before they were called to supervise the assembly of meals for the next two weeks. Chopping, mixing, packaging...and tasting took the entire morning. No one argued when White Dog and Zsofia volunteered to be models at the Park as we talked about the importance of lymph node checks for your pet.  Both were perfect presenters. And the others, I am certain enjoyed a respite.

Then it was off to our favorite pet store for kibble and back home. Treats before we started the BIG supervision task of making meals for Benson and Trixie, both on a special diet. THEIR meals are packaged into individual servings; smaller ones for Benson than for his sister. Again, it was dinner time as the Army helped Steve find room for the last of the baggies in the freezer.

Somehow freshly made meals made the work seem worthwhile as the WDA savored dinner, but after, full tummies and our weekend's hard work hit the Army and caused eyes to get heavy.

"Wake us for night walkies," Sachi said. "And treats," added Pearl as she draped herself over the Watching Chair to sleep.

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