
November 22, 2016

White Dog put Trixie next to me at the keyboard. "It is Trixie Tuesday," WD said. "Tell our friends how you are feeling."

Trixie looked VERY nervous and turned to me. I draped an arm over her back. "No, Sweet Girl, I will do the typing. You and I just need to decide what you want to say. Everyone is sending you healing vibes and are concerned."

"I still itch sometimes," Trix said, "but it is not all I think about anymore." I agreed that the lime/sulphur sponging was working wonders in drying up the bumps. And that the meds were bringing her back to health...although we still had a way to go before her skin was healed.

"I like my diet change." She added. "Well,Trix you ARE on a steroid, I suspect that any food would be extra tasty." The good news from the vet was that all of Trixie's kidney values in the blood work were smack dab in the middle of the "normal" range so we are taking her off of the special pre-kidney disease diet to see if she holds steady. Even better, the vet suggested that our girl could stand to gain a couple of pounds. More food...what pup would not want to hear that?

The rest of the blood work was pretty normal which provided no clue about the skin condition origin but in the doc's mind pretty much ruled out anything auto immune. So we will continue to treat it as a bacterial infection, especially since we seem to be making progress.

On the where did this come from? side of things, our girl has giardia. She is being treated and the rest of the WDA is lined up to be tested after the holiday. We are particularly concerned about YoYoMa and his compromised immune system.

I looked at Trixie. "Anything else you want to say?" "Can I thank everyone for caring and pulling for me?" "Of course you can." "I am so grateful for all of their good thoughts it makes me feel like I will be perfectly well in no time." White Dog smiled at her and so did I as she hurried off.


Brian's Home Blog said...

We hope the all better finds you soon sweet Trixie!

24 Paws of Love said...

What great news that things are moving in a positive direction. Hope you keep feeling better Trixie. 24 Paws crossed for you.

Barbara said...

If only you knew how much it means to me that you are caring for my Trixie so wonderfully.