
December 15, 2016

White Dog Throwback Thursday.
In 2010 after being an "only" child for the first five years of her life, White Dog adopted a brother, the Mighty Quinn. Suddenly there was the Other White Dog and the beginnings (although no one suspected at the time) of the White Dog Army.

We post this particular moment as a welcome to Charly, a handsome boy in Budapest rescued by only child diva, Asta, and her parents Ami and George, just a few short days ago. Asta is a little nervous about this BIG change in her life. 

White Dog looks back at this photo of her guarding "her" pressies from her new brother and laughs. "The stuff seemed so important then," she says. "Quinn taught me so much about the meaning of family and sharing."

"Time and love," she adds. "bonding into a family. All it takes is time and love. Asta, you and Charly will become so close you will not remember life without each other."

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