
December 19, 2016

White Dog and the rest of the White Dog Army had settled back into deep naps after Steve left for work. It was frigidly cold outside but the house was warm and cozy. Sachi was curled up at my feet on the bottom of my afghan.

There was a tiny noise and suddenly Sachi was off the blanket and in full alert at the back of the kitchen where the dog food canister is kept. Oddly, he was silent; Sachi usually punctuates any changes in his routine with noise and conversation. He was staring intently and shifting his head to listen closely.

He lowered his body to the ground and inched forward. My Little Man was stalking something. He lunged forward scratching madly under the cutting table. Watching him at work revealed a different side of my usual clown...and no one else was awake to see it...

...then I saw Opal stealthily moving along the wall to join him. She was not as obsessed as he but she was listening and watching as well.

Sachi pounced as a tiny streak of grey was seen for a nanosecond and then evaporated.

He spun around and sat listening again. Opal leaned over him and tilted her head. She went around the wall and stood listening. Sachi crouched a long time waiting again but finally shook himself like he was coming out of a trance. He trotted back over and laid down again at my feet.

I reached for the phone. "Um, just when we did not have enough to fuss with," I told Steve when he answered. "I think Sachi has discovered a mouse in the house."


JudyMae said...

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house...A mouse was stirring! Happy holidays to you and Steve and all of the white dogs.

JudyMae said...

'Twas the night before Christmas and all through the house...A mouse was stirring! Happy holidays to you and Steve and all of the white dogs.

Random Felines said...

interesting....hopefully that mouse got the message and has left for other hunting places