White Dog was excited when Steve came home with the news that his office Christmas Party this Thursday would be dog friendly. In honor of her birthday, also on Thursday, he invited her to be his "date."
As a pup and young lass, WD would accompany Steve to his office often...especially on weekends when he went to catch up or do IT work on the System. She would wander curiously checking out projects underway and loved to play "Hall Ball." Where Steve would roll the ball down the long corridor and she would leap and scramble to capture it and bring it back. She had her own drawer of goodies in Steve's desk.
Dogs were not allowed at the college. And Steve's duties were very different. A White Dog, even one as well-behaved and mannered as White Dog is, would have been a distraction to the students. The few times she went along were to quickly pick up or drop off items needed for the next class. When the school was locked and no one was there.
Steve's Party Invitation perked up her highness. She is considering "dressing" for the Event in her holiday red ribbons.
The rest of the White Dog Army is a little jealous (especially Zsofia) but they agree with Nilla's sage counsel that having WD busy all day gives us more time to prepare for her family celebration. "To REALLY surprise her," as YoYoMa put it.
It will be hard reminding her tomorrow is only Wednesday and she must wait one more day but Dad has given her a birthday gift that brings back wonderful memories.
A dog friendly office party, WOW! Neither of our offices are dog-friendly sadly.
we hope White Dog and Steve had a great time
What a wonderful gift for a wonderful little girl.
Have a great time at the party WD!
As a senior family member, WD is highly deserving of this signal honor and I am sure she looked dazzling in her red ribbons. I can't wait to hear her story!
Cheers and hugs,
Jo and Stella
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