
January 28, 2016

White Dog pushed me back into the chair. "Nope! You are still not feeling well. I know what I want for today's blog. Dad will help me." I knew there was no point arguing with her...she sounded so much like me when I am determined that something will be as I say. Besides, the blanket was all warm and I COULD use a little nap. White Dog arrayed the Army around me and sat them on the blankie bottom to keep me n place before she went into the office with Steve. I heard MY computer keyboard clacking before dozing off...

White Dog and Dad here. We think this old photo is particularly appropriate today. It is Oso and me in Santa Fe a couple of years ago. Even those in the WDA that were not here yet agree that this is a message we all embrace:


Brian's Home Blog said...

We sure hope you feel better soon.

meowmeowmans said...

Good job making sure Momma rests, White Dog. Sending lots of purrs and prayers of healing her way. Hugs to you all.