White Dog saw her coming down the street and dispatched Sachi to bring Steve in from the yard. We have a woman who about once a month comes through our neighborhood on Sundays selling her handmade tamales door-to-door. They are fabulous, handmade treats and she always seems to hit our house around lunch time. She carries them in a thermal picnic basket and they are still warm.
Needless to say, we always take advantage when the food gods smile on us.
Usually when she comes she is accompanied by her young daughter who loves the White Dog Army singing at the windows. The little girl kneels on our bench and talks to them and laughs at their responses. Last time they were here, she asked if the dogs like tamales. Steve told her that they would very much love them but that her mom's delicious cheese and green chile tamales (our favorite) were a little too spicy for the Army.
Today when they FINALLY (as the WDA announced) got to our door, the little girl breathlessly told Steve that she had remembered our dogs and that her mother had made cheese only tamales just for them! The WDA broke out in thunderous thanks.
They were still warm...so were our favorite version. It was just 1pm and we were contemplating lunch.
"No need to think," WD commanded. "Serve those tamales up, Dad! We each get half, well actually half plus 1/12th of the last portion...or you can just give me extra since I AM the queen."
And after, the lip-smacking WDA settled down to Easy Sunday.
1 comment:
That's so sweet (and yummy).
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