White Dog was embarrassed and wanted to be upset with the White Dog Army. "Relax, Little White Dog of My Heart," I told her. "It is really kind of funny and actually Ardath felt kind of flattered."
The incredibly talented Ardath had made some adjustments to the pads she created for my wheelchair and was to drop them off at the house today. She sent me a message saying that she and her daughter would just stop after lunch and that she would leave the pads on the doorknob. "I know you will probably be working and that way I won't disturb you."
She typed a line and then laughed at herself. The sentence was "Should I let you know I have been by?" It was followed by, "What am I thinking? I am sure the White Dog Army will let you know."
Lunch came and went and I thought nothing further of the drop off until nearly 2pm when I got a message from my friend. "Thought I better let you know that there is a bag on your door. It was amazing--my daughter pulled in the driveway and I walked up to your door and hung the bag and then we backed away. I didn't see or hear a single one of your White Dogs. Almost made me worry a little."
I sent her back a cute response about swamp cooler breezes and lazy "dog days" of summer and knowing it was her; then showed White Dog our teasing conversation. WD was appalled and immediately called Sachi and Pearl, the chief "watchers" to stand beside her.
Before she could make anyone feel bad about dereliction of duty, I congratulated them for being able to recognize a friend from foe and for staying calm. "White Dog has trained you well," I told them. "Ardath felt very special that you accepted that her coming to the door was not a threat. Thank you for making such a nice friend welcome."
White Dog looked at me and then at her siblings, who were beaming but still not sure why. "Good job," the Queen mumbled, "But don't let down your guard. Protecting our house is a VERY important job."
1 comment:
mom says our cousin woofie is like that - last time she went down there she made it half way through the house before he even came to check her out
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