
September 16, 2017

White Dog was standing on the arm of the chair when we walked in. "Do you see Yo?" she asked. In that instant my heart exploded with fear and I whirled to look toward the fireplace.

We tucked him in nicely on blankets on the hearth before we left. He had his untippable waterbowl between his paws and was comfortably arranged (as best we could tell). He was healing but still was not walking.

We returned to our boy turned completely around now facing away from the windows and lying on the opposite side of his body. Clearly he had been moving around. "Oh YoYoMa," I barely began the words and he turned and looked at me. He stood up by himself. "You are awesome Baby Boy!" I cheered. The rest of the White Dog Army beamed their pride from all corners of the room.

Steve took him by the harness handle. "Want to try it?" he asked; Yo started to slowly step toward the kitchen; he made it halfway before his legs gave out. "Woohoo! That was GREAT!" Steve told him as he scooped up our boy in his arms and carried him. "Little bits, you do not want to overdo." Everypup followed them out.
When they came back in YoYoMa stood to drink and then moved by himself to settle on the hearth. "That was VERY good, Baby. Rest now." I reached for the jerky for the WDA. I fully intended Steve would help Yo by bringing his over and breaking it into pieces.

Yo heard the familiar rattle of the treat jar and the lid being unscrewed and once again stood. He tenderly wove his way through the rest of the White Dogs (who parted a path in deference) to come to his usual spot for treats. THERE he collapsed to his belly.

"It is OK, you do not have to sit in formation, Yo." I told him and parceled out the jerky treats. No one complained about unfairness when he got an extra half piece for his efforts.

He stood for dinner. He walked a few steps to the big water bowl. He is wobbly and I can tell it is a true effort, but he is once again mobile! I thanked the Universe as we redressed his ulcers and massaged his paws and legs. And then I whispered in his ear, "What a spirit you have! Your ninja red blood cells and now muscles being reclaimed, you ARE my brave Warrior."


Gus said...

Way to Go! Yay YO!

meowmeowmans said...

Wow, that's fabulous, Yo! Way to go! :)

Thank you for your thoughtful comment about Zoe, dear WDA friends. We miss her so much, but your love and kindness are great comforts as we mourn her passing.