
October 10, 2017

White Dog said,  "Cue the Rocky theme gang! And momma let's bake a cake! YoYoMa has wonderful news."

Well, actually Dr. Julia had wonderful news, about Yo's latest blood check on his anemia. "Whatever you are doing to NOT change a thing," our beloved vet told me. "This is the best he has been in months...

His HCT is just over 39...in the normal range. 
And his white blood cell count is 16,540...ALSO in the normal range.

"The new medicine seems to be just what we needed," she continued. "That and the guidance of a gifted healer, a determined Spirit on Yo's part and some pretty incredible ninja red blood cells," I concluded. "Let's see him again next week. We need to be cautious just until we are sure this is a pattern that holds."

"And now, the cake, momma," was the sound accompanying the tap on my leg. "Yo LOVES carrot cake and cream cheese frosting."


Random Felines said...

woohoo!! happy dance and CAKE

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is wonderful news and we will happy dance too!