
March 7, 2018

White Dog and Steve were sitting together at his computer when I came into the office. "Hi guys, what are you up to?" caused White Dog to click out of the window they were intensely looking at and for Bella to run over to do her attention dance as a distraction when I sat down.

I smiled to myself and thought, "How sweet, they are working on plans for my birthday and want to keep things a surprise." Throughout the evening I made a very conscious attempt to not listen in or turn around to see Steve's screen.

Later, after the WDA was tucked into bed and we prepared for lights off, Steve said, "About being so rude and clicking out of the computer earlier..." "Don't worry, I know you and the Little White Dog of My Heart are busy with planning my day..."

He leaned over and whispered in my ear. "Sorry, Love. It is not quite that. White Dog has noticed Pearly is experiencing some ah, um, gas issues after she eats. She asked me if we could find something discrete to give her to maybe provide some relief. WD did not want to embarrass her so that is why we are being so secretive.

"From what we read, we think Pearl eats too fast which causes air in her intestine. So we ordered a new more complicated slow bowl for her. We will subtly change her bowl when the new one arrives and every pup keeps their dignity without being teased AND we better survive life in the VERY crowded office."

I snuggled into the pillows. "Great thinking! But certainly NOT what I thought you were doing."

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