
May 10, 2018

White Dog was getting fidgety. She keep looking at the clock and up at the swamp cooler vent and then sighing heavily. When it got to be lunchtime even I joined the discomfort of now the entire White Dog Army.

"Where are the cooling airs?" I asked as I looked up and listened for the gentle spray of water on the excelsior pads or the sound of the unit's fan. I heard only the room ceiling fan inadequately cooling just by moving air around.

I called Steve. "Hey any reason the Swamp Cooler might be malfunctioning...and is it something I can fix?" There was a pause and a soft, "Oh shit!"

The WDA gathered around me and started to panic.

"The unit was squeaking this morning so I went up on the roof to lubricate the bearings," he said. "I unplugged it as a safety thing and I don't remember plugging it back in. Of course it wasn't warm enough for it to go on before I left."

A howl went up followed by heavy panting and then a mad rush to the water dishes. "I think I am getting heat stroke." "What is it like, 108?" "I am going to faint."

"I will try to run home but can't right now because we are about to go into a meeting. Will you be OK?"

"It is warm but I will turn up the room fans. It is (I looked at the computer) only 83 degrees. Probably none of us will dehydrate or need hospitalization. Although you know I am no more a fan of being hot than they are. Come if you get a chance."

I looked at the WDA. "Survival camping time, my loves. Until dad gets home we are trapped in a sizzling desert with only our wits to get by." I filled water bowls with cold water. Every pup got a special ration of an entire frozen turkey dog. Before I could advise sucking on the frozen thing and nibbling cool bits, all had chowed the wiener down.

"Stretch out; more surface area cools faster. Lie resting, don't exert yourselves. Choose spots by the door, breezeways or under the fans. Keep up fluids. Help is on its way soon. I leave a note for dad should he find us unconscious to save the WDA first."

White Dog was looking at me with her head tilted. "You are JOKING with us right, momma? Trying to keep spirits high and all that?"

I kissed her nose. "Don't talk Little One; conserve energy. Remember I love you."

Note: Steve DID get home early and before we had all melted into floofy white puddles...but only barely.


Random Felines said...

mom had to turn on the cool airs here since we live on the second floor - she always worries about coming home from work and finding melted cats

meowmeowmans said...

We had to turn on the AC here last week, too. Of course, the next twi days are going to be in the 50s. Ha ha, go figure.

We're so glad Steve got home early!