
May 11, 2018

White Dog looked around the room. "We are going to need an office expansion at this rate," she said. "It is getting kind of crowded with all of the supervisors.

Not secretly I am thrilled that the entire White Dog Army wants to hang out with me as I work. I cherish the leg nudges for a moment's attention and the "no hands left for the keyboard because I am petting a pup under each hand" times.

Being able to work at home is a blessing

After a VERY long wait (years, in fact), the office has become a little fuller as Pearl spends more and more time each afternoon on CA Stormer's red comfy bed across from my desk.

She still is not ready for me to pet her or really interact, but she is confident when she moves into the room and settles just a few feet away. My movements do not alarm her and I can pass through the door next to her and back again without causing her to flee. She looks up and makes eye contact.

The important thing, the huge step (cue Rocky theme song) from my perspective has two parts: One, she wants to socially join the White Dog Army at a new level; and two, that she chooses to be with me.

It is sometimes impossibly hard when I look over and she is watching me, head resting on the arm of the bed, for me not to react. I want to hold her and kiss her face. I want to shower her with attention and put her in the spotlight. But I know the instant I move with that intent she will skitter out of the room, put off and a little frightened.

White Dog assures me that we are seeing significant progress and that it won't take another three years before she trusts me. "Remember, momma, it is not that she chooses no, it is just that she does not know yes. She is figuring it out at her pace. She came from a dark starting point."

Following the advice given to me by a fellow blogger when Puff came to us without knowing how to trust, I mostly ignore Pearl's presence. I talk to her as I work without looking; I acknowledge and thank her for joining us and for being brave. I let the others provide the example.

And sometimes when she leaves the room to go outside of just to change venue, I swear she looks over her shoulder at me...and smiles.

1 comment:

Random Felines said...

She's got this...just on her schedule