
December 8, 2018

White Dog crunched and said, "one of the best parts of this time of year is not just that there are MORE songs to the delivery trucks but that so often they bring surprises to our door that fantastic."

The rest of the White Dog Army did not look up from the homemade sweet potato chips Kathie sent them...a huge bag. And the Army was of the mind that she meant the bag to be eaten at one sitting. "Um, no," I said being the Grinch. "first you would be looking for more tomorrow AND you have each already had THREE." "But they are SO good," Bailey whined as she tried to put her nose into the bag I held.

The box was deep and held more surprises. Long ago we stopped putting up a Christmas tree for lack of space, for boy dog reasons, and for the curiosity about the ornaments. We have missed the symbolism. Our talented friend must have sensed our need because next out of the box was an incredibly detailed and specialized glass tree customized just for us. "It will be perfect on the coffee table," White Dog whispered, eyes bright...and she slowly turned to look at her siblings. "And no harm will come to it," she added.
Homemade cookies for the humans, despite the Army's consensus that they, too, ought to be shared with all. Steve already had one in his mouth so I answered, "There is chocolate on these, I do not want anypup sick for the holiday fun." Moaning stopped when I handed out "one last" sweet potato chip to all.

"Nilla, come see. There is a special present just for you. Something to keep you warm and holiday festive." She wagged as Steve carried her over to unwrap a new sweatshirt in an ideal weight for brisk days not cold enough to warrant heavy fleece.  We put it on immediately.
WD looked at the treat bag just to see if she could wring one more round but when she saw the answer would be "no," she diplomatically switched to calling for a White Dog Army Song of Thanks and Friendship to our dear friend.

And then she whispered to me. "Momma, you better get your act in motion. Boxes need to be sent and cards addressed. You are WAY behind!

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