
January 1, 2019

White Dog was wrapped up in the blanket next to me. We were both watching the falling snow, serious snow for Albuquerque, covering the landscape making it softer, gentler.

"It is hard not to love a year that begins by making everyone stop and take time to just cocoon," she said. " It is so quiet and no one is about. There is no traffic." Pearl turned from her watching perch at the window. "It is peaceful and meditative," she added.

The house smelled like the cassoulet that Steve was making for dinner, rich in roasting duck, sausage and beans. There was an undercurrent of the gingerbread bars cooling on the counter. We were rich in our blessings and were made aware that they surrounded us.

Every so often one of the pups would wander out to check on the snow or leave new tracks but each would come back inside ready to curl up in the warmth and contentedly WATCH the dancing flakes pass the window as they absorbed the bliss.

The day is strengthening in a steady calm manner, an infusion of hope and serenity. And like White Dog said, it is  a wonderful start to the new year.

We hope you all have the opportunity to stop and that your assessment is a positive one. For those in need or finding out of phase we send peace and perspective...and ask the Universe to fill you.


Random Felines said...

We saw that report on the news....

meowmeowmans said...

So beautiful. The snow there, and the words of your post. Happy new year, dear friends. We are so grateful for you, and wish you a blessed, joyful and love-filled 2019. XO

TimberLove said...

Most excellent mates! Play bows,
