
December 4, 2019

White Dog pushed their bowls toward them and said, "I think you will find a special Gotcha Day treat in each of your dinners." Opal and Pearl moved forward to bury their faces in each dish. "Ahhh, brussels sprouts cooked in bacon," Pearl wagged. It took Opal a bit longer to pull her muzzle out and add, "There is turkey and cranberries on the bottom!"

"I hope we ALL get to celebrate," Zso moaned. As Steve distributed dinners each member of the White Dog Army quickly checked to make sure THEY had yums as well.

"And there is cheesecake for dessert!" White Dog declared. She was about to add, "So save room," but stopped herself knowing there is ALWAYS room for cheesecake.

Happy Fourth Gotcha Day to our gems, Opal and Pearl! We still laugh at the thought of the phone call from the rescue coordinator on a wild chance who called us as she waited on a layover in California. The shocked tone and glee in her voice when I heard her out and said, "Yes, they can join ourfamily...no BOTH of them. Call me when you get back and we can make arrangements."

When we met in the parking lot of a sad little dog pound on the border between New Mexico and Colorado, we found two VERY frightened and scared former mill dog breeders who each had a horror story of a past.

Pearl had been violent sick just travelling the short distance to our meet and she was the entire way home. Steve held her and gently whispered as she shook beneath his hand. He made a thick nest of blankets in the back of the van. She was safely tethered but we sent back the crates to the rescue. "You are safe now, Baby Girl," he told her. Pearl took him at his word; she is his Velcro Baby.

Opal had been placed in my arms almost immediately; I could feel her tenseness as I watched her darting eyes. I wrapped her inside  my jacket and just rocked her while I cooed. I could feel our bond beginning to form. She is my care giver, always by my side, sensitive and loving.

Over time Opal has opened her heart to Steve and Pearl watches over me from a distance (except at treat time and for coffee when she is my gentlest taker of what is offered).

Happy Gotcha Day, Opal and Pearl! Thanks for what you have added to our family and lives. Here's to many many more celebrations.

From this, two lost souls sold for $5 at auction
 to this:


Brian's Home Blog said...

Happy Gotcha Day sweeties!!! Sometimes it takes a lot to land in the best home but you two sure did!

TimberLove said...

Happy day, all our love little mates,

Nuk & family