
June 6, 2020

White Dog wondered just HOW momma ended up with an Army of double-coated dogs in a desert where the temperatures climb to 100 degrees. I tried to explain that the double furs actually kept them cooler than the coat of a beagle, for example, and that their thick undercoats insulated from heat and the top layer acted to bounce the sun off of their bodies. I even showed her a diagram I found in the internet.

She does believe in science, but had a hard time accepting that she was lucky and cooler. "Yeah, momma. I will stay inside, thanks," was her reply.

Zsofia and Bailey were not even considering an explanation. "We Sibes are creatures of the tundra and sleeping in snow drifts," Zso mumbled. "Well, then how come you two mushers hold down those same spots when it is cold and windy?" I asked. Both feigned sleep to avoid a reply.

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