
July 13, 2020

White Dog spent the day at the vet clinic and some progress was made. Last night's  subq fluids seemed to turn the tide. This morning White Dog's temperature was at the high end of normal. Dr. Julia was not happy that the Little White Dog of My Heart had not eaten yesterday and was still refusing to drink.

While pleased with the progress made, our wonderful vet, still puzzling over the walking issues and twitch, ran a series of xrays. Seems Siku's long time disc impingement is greatly aggravated Dr. Julia believes that the inflammation COULD be the source of the ranging fever or as a secondary thought that there is a spinal infection. 

Since treatment for both is basically the same, we have decided to treat with steroids and cold laser to watch results instead of painful or invasive spinal fluid collection. 

White Dog spent the day being monitored, receiving IV fluids and steroids before coming home. Her temperature has stayed normal all day. Tomorrow, she will return to Dr. Julia for blood draw, recheck and another cold laser therapy. To avoid having to stick her again, the nurse left the IV needle in place and wrapped her leg to protect it. 

Once the inflammation is reduced we can begin with slowly getting her back on her feet with gentle walks and exercise. But first the flareup must be calmed.

In an effort to convince The Little White Dog of My Heart to eat and drink lots more the White Dog Army had turkey bites waiting as "Welcome Home" treats and prepared a dinner of duck tenders with stirfried carrots and cabbage (for them, WD is not a veggie lover) and vanilla ice cream. "Sort of a Get  Healthy Fiesta," Zsofia explained. 

Our healer and I feel that we are getting a handle on what is wrong and see recovery as beginning to occur. We are all smiling a bit here and ready to get back to the pursuit of long leisurely summer days and Hamlet. Thank you all for your continued love and support.


Angels Amber and Max DaWeenie and Mom said...

Sending hugs and love and lots of POTP...

meowmeowmans said...

We are continuing to purr and pray for Siku Marie. Much love to you all!