
November 15, 2020

 White Dog looked over my shoulder. "Wow, momma, last week we passed Five Thousand Six Hundred blog posts. That is a lot." "It is pretty much your entire life story," I told the almost sixteen-year-old Little White Dog of My Heart. "The road we have travelled together," she laughed. "Who would have guessed?" 

Just then Steve called from the bathroom asking if I was ready. White Dog continued outside and I moved my computer out of the shake zone. "Ready" I replied, "bring in the beast."
It was Zsofia's spa day. Unlike Opal or Bella, this was NOT a favorite activity. I do not know whether it was my pre-bath talk about trusting Steve and I or whether she just resigned herself to cooperating in order to move things along quickly or whether it was the jar of treats...but the upper body workout she provided for me was much less strenuous than in the past. Nails clipped, ears cleaned and bathed, our Darkest White Dog was still dark but not dirty AND she has much less shedding hair. One final treat and a kiss of "thank you" and Our Girl was off into the yard to shake and run herself dry. 

1 comment:

TimberLove said...

5600, that's awesome! Play bows,
