
November 29, 2020

White Dog called over her shoulder, "Dad and I will be back in a few minutes. Momma, turn on the computer so all of the White Dog Army can see the lovely badge Ann Adamus of Zoolatry created in honor of Tizenegy (see the bottom of this post)..

Every pup was gathered in the bedroom to see the artwork when White Dog came in carrying a family taco tote. Tacos were on of Tiz's 8,000 favorite foods. "We are going to share a Taco Tribute and play, "Caption this photo of our brother," WD explained. 

Steve handed out tacos. "Ready?"
"Meeting the new kid." "I think I am home." "No, When is dinner here?"
"Don't anyone say ANYTHING," Opal said, "I've got the perfect caption for this. Is THAT my dinner bowl?" Bella almost snorted taco through her nose and everyone laughed.
"OMD! Remember everyone trying to help move the old sofa out of the doors?" "Tiz kept INSISTING that we cold all just carry it on our backs" "Yeah, and then HE went to sleep behind it."
"This one is too easy." "I am dad's special helper. I love you, dad."
"The artist's muse." "I AM getting treats for posing, right?" "You really captured my whiteness, dad."
"This entire bed is for ME?" "Look, my own place right next to dad's desk." "Can I get one of those little refrigerators to sit next to this?" "Room to stretch out."
"When the bib goes on the bowl goes down, right?" "FEED ME!" "Don't anyone laugh, momma says it keeps my furs beautiful." "Can I help it if dad's meals are slurpy drool-y wonderful?"
"I am not yelling. I just thought you would want to know dinner is late. Sorry."
"GOOD morning!" "When is breakfast?" "Let's go for a WALK!"
"Another easy one," Bella said. "Dr. Julia, I love you! This was when she told dad that Tiz needed to eat more he was too thin."
"Dog of Mystery." 
"He loved that quilt. Remember Lisa and Andy and Sally sent it and put dryer sheets in the box so it would not be stinky? The quilt and Tiz took forever to not smell floral."
"A full-fledged member of the Coffee Club." "Hey, i didn't get my second drink." "Don't hog all the cream."
"How come the gelato came with that teensy tiny spoon? Just give me the cup, momma."
"Look how happy we all were." "That was when you were too sick to leave the bedroom, remember momma? So we all would come in and share meals with you there. Even when Beth visited."
Everyone shouted at once, "Dinner time!"
"Isn't this the best guy hangout EVER?" "Look my new bed has a built in pillow!" "And my quilt still fits." "And I am STILL right next to dad at his desk."
"Storming the Bastille" "Oh, that was when we broke the gate." "We demand entry!" "SO hungry!"

We had remembered and laughed our way through the box of tacos and well into the afternoon. And then almost all of us at once got choked up. The spell was broken and everyone scattered to be alone with their raw emotions. Before I lifted her off of the bed, I hugged White Dog. "Thank you, Little White Dog of My Heart, that was a wonderful thing to plan and do. I could feel Tizenegy sitting with us, trying VERY hard not to shout out captions." 



TimberLove said...

Tacos for effuryone here tonight, in remembrance, wooo,


Anonymous said...

That was a beautiful wake for Tizegeny and the tacos the perfect food.

Prayers & thoughts,
Lucy (Troy, Ohio)

meowmeowmans said...

Tacos are a perfect way to celebrate Tizenegy's beautiful life there with you, sweet pals. We loved the caption the photo game you played. Such a special remembrance to your beloved. XO