
November 30, 2020

White Dog leaned against Steve's leg. "It IS kind of strange having the entire office to myself at bedtime now. I am not afraid but there is a certain comfort in listening to someone nearby as they sleep and snore and add their presence to yours." "You can always come to the bedroom," Steve told her. "You know momma would love to having you sleeping on the bed with us." "Let's see if any of the others in time drift in by me to take advantage of the huge bed. We are still figuring out the new normal," she replied.

"Speaking of which," White Dog continued, "I don't know if you noticed but Bella is having a hard time with Tizenegy being gone. You know with her confusion she is not good with change. She keeps looking for her brother. She doesn't do her happy meal dance because Tiz isn't singing. AND she sometimes comes up to Opal or myself just to sniff and press against us...almost like well, YOU aren't him, but you can make me feel safe."

"Thanks for your observations. I will give Bella extra time and hugs. Really, time and love is what we all need right now, there is no substitute or shortcut."

Hey, where is that nice guy who used to sleep here and where is his extra soft blankie?



Random Felines said...

Change is hard

meowmeowmans said...

Aww, we can imagine how difficult this all is. Purring for Bella, and all of you. XO