
December 12, 2020

White Dog looked pointedly out of the window. "I hate to break up a good snuggle and cuddle," she said, "but if you are going to get to the much needed yard cleanup you best get out there. The weather is on the verge of changing and it will not be pleasant when it does."

"You know dad already has a wife to nag him," Roman said as White Dog (not so) playfully nipped the air behind his haunches disappearing through the dog door.

Today's "Grounds Crew:"  Roman as Steve's lieutenant and Zsofia and Bailey as "Stick Handlers," got the job done before the sleet began and well before dusk which meant early afternoon duck jerky treats...even, Zso pointed out, for the NON-helpers.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Good helping (and non-helping, too), WDA! Yay for duck jerky treats!