White Dog has a nerve impingement that affects the strength of her back legs. As she's aged she has begun to "knuckle" those feet; fold them under her legs so that she stands on the top of the foot. This does not happen constantly but if she is tired, or stressed, or not feeling well, the drag is more apparent.
It is watching her during those moments, determinedly pulling her feet into action in a "walk" that allows her to join us for dinner or to make the rounds of the Army, that I feel a rush of empathy for what the Little White Dog of My Heart must be experiencing.
Like my human doctor told me regard MY mobility, Dr. Julia has advised us stand by and let her struggle to achieve. Our healer believes gentle encouragement without a rush to "assist" will keep her moving and will exercise those legs. We remind My Girl that she must try hard not to stand on the tops of her feet however; that she should stop and realign her body.
White Dog seems to understand; just as she seems to understand the purpose of the device that attaches to her toe and foot in a few minutes of physical therapy each day. The stretch of the "thing" as we flex her toe and lower leg helps to strengthen tendons which will prevent the flopping.
Tonight she is pushing herself too hard. I hold her in my arms and share what I have learned: that it is all right admit to tiredness and that she does not constantly need to achieve.
We share her favorite, vanilla ice cream with peanut butter and then I send her, carried by Steve, to stretch and rest comfortably on her bed.
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