White Dog quietly agreed with her brother.
"Dad, this ISN'T chicken...it is a GREENBEAN!"He dropped it to the floor as if the taste offended his tongue. "You see Bailey? SHE will gladly eat it if we let her in with us," Steve told him.
He was in the kitchen helping Steve season and grill chicken breasts while the others helped me in the living room snap green beans. Our boy was torn, thinking THEY were getting something grand that he was deprived of...so Steve offered him one of the beans (that the others were noshing with gusto).
Suddenly, Roman, once one of our top veggie eaters, has decided that vegetables are only of interest if they come with butter, a cheese sauce or a dip.
1 comment:
Roman, we agree. Green beans taste better with nutter, cheese sauce, or a dip!
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