White Dog stood in the doorway, watching carefully and prepared to intervene. Roman sat to the left of the momma chair watching Bella circling around and around the coffee table.
For some reason, Bella's manic movements trigger my Reactive Boy even if she is across the room and not making eye contact so we were all at the ready should he forget his manners or try to intimidate.
I heard a low rumble start in his throat but White Dog and Bailey turned their gaze to Roman; he got the message.
When I looked down, Roman was following his smallest sister with the feral side look which signals that he is uncomfortable and feeling the need to protect himself. He did not move but his tenseness was apparent.
"Sweet Boy," I said slowly moving my hand turned inward to him until I was close enough that he could lean into it for reassurance if he chose. "I am right here. You are very safe. No one is threatening; Bella cannot help pacing when her brain is having a storm. Just sit with me and be nice. We will face this together."
And Bella circled while Roman pressed against my cupped hand...it took a bit of time until I felt his body lose its rigidness. He looked at me. "GOOD boy! You are doing great. See, you are safe. That was VERY VERY well done!" He half thumped his tail. "You did it. Stayed calm and did not go over the cliff. I am so proud of you.
Bella was asleep under the table. Often after an "event" she will sleep deeply for half an hour or so.
Great job, Roman! We love how the whole WDA knows you so well, and helps you as you learn and grow.
Good job Roman!!
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