
June 25, 2021

White Dog had a hard time settling down after dinner. Steve took her outside half a dozen times and still she wiggled and squirmed uncomfortably. At bedtime, Steve held her and gently rocked back and forth until well past Bella had fallen asleep. He kept piano music on in the office to soothe but softly enough that we could hear if she awakened or fussed.

"I think the herbal calming treat has kicked in," he said as he crawled into bed. "She should sleep through the night." "Call it momma spidey sense," I told him, but I think she is developing a case of pancreatitis. Just the way she is holding her body and head tells me she hurts. And let's be honest, her diet to promote weight gain and more muscle is one high in fats."

"Of course this is the beginning of the weekend," Steve looked worried. "The vet office is closed until Monday." "I do not think it is urgent but lets operate assuming it is pancreatitis. Let's change up her meals to be rice or oatmeal based but with veggie broth and ensure...it will still be high calorie but without such a high fat percentage." "And I think we should keep up her subq fluids so she does not dehydrate.," Steve added. "Oh, and we will have to watch to make sure she stays solid and does not vomit. I will call the clinic first thing Monday and hopefully get her right in...o9r at least talk to Dr. Julia."

"We can all take turns keeping watch over White Dog," said a voice from a darkened crate. "Zsofia, you should be sleeping yourself. But yes we can all do our part, thanks." "I still hope you are wrong," Steve said as he reached over to turn out the light. "Me, too," I whispered. 

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Poor White Dog. We do hope and pray it's not a Pancreatitis flare up. Sending you all love and good thoughts.