
April 12, 2018

White Dog nodded approvingly. "This is good on several levels. Essential skills practice for both. Great bonding opportunity. Progress in learning boundaries. Zsofia is a wonderful choice."

Steve was in the yard working with Roman on basic commands, recalls, and sit-stays. Zsofia came and joined them. Roman had been doing OK but it seemed having Zso to set an example and to pace him gave our boy a learning mentor. Plus our darkest white dog is one of our best skilled. She seems to genuinely like Roman.

We guess that Roman is closest in age to Zso, at around 3 years old...and in size...so that they are a good match for working together.

After a solid 20 minute workout, Steve called them both to his side. He was holding Zso's favorite fling. "I know you won't be able to grab it with your muzzle," he told Roman, "but do you want to run a bit with Zsofia?" And to his Baby Girl, "How about Zso, can Roman play, too?"

He threw the fling and both ran after it. He watched Roman's reaction carefully for signs of aggression but saw only excitement at the chase. By the third toss Roman did his crazy three-legged chase and stood loudly wagging and pointing while Zsofia picked it up and returned it to Steve. When our boy cut Zso off in the run, Steve recalled both to sit and picked up the toy. "Let's not overdo the excitement," he told them both. "Let's go inside and make coffee for breakfast."


Random Felines said...

Nicely done

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

We are glad Roman has a special friend, we think he needs one.