
April 13, 2018

White Dog walked over and nosed Opal out of Nilla's way. Nilla had been standing politely in the doorway for several minutes gently indicating that she would like to pass. Opal ignored her. 

Nilla, our matriarch is like that, full of formality and manners. Calm and unflappable. Kind of the White Dog Army version of Downton Abbey's Dame Violet Crawley. With the exception of pre-dinner time when our girl leaps and barks like a teen, Nils is the epitome of grace and understatement.

She will clear her throat when confronted with a situation that requires her to intervene. And if ignored resorts to mumbled harumphing and pointed looks. Often she just decides to walk away and try again at a more convenient time.

This morning, for example, her medication delivery was slightly delayed. SHE was prompt, waiting at my side to lift her up, as I obliviously completed another task. She walked out to the kitchen and stood by Steve for a couple of minutes as he finished washing dishes...then she came back to me.

"Oh Sweet Girl!" I told her, "You are waiting for pills. I will be ready in a moment." She took a long slow drink of water and looked. I held up a finger. She cleared her throat and curled up in front of me...not quite staring but making sure I knew she was watching.

Steve came in then with Nilla's meds and she looked up softly grunting her unhappiness. I picked her up into my arms and she sighed as she cuddled into position for Steve to squirt the liquid down her throat.  When he broke routine by going to wash the pipette BEFORE giving her her treat...precisely three fingertip sized pieces of fish skin...she again cleared her throat.

"Don't worry, Sweet Love," I reassured her. "Treats are coming." She took a long stoic breath. When Steve delivered the first bit her noise was one of soft agreement...at the second it was gracious thanks...when Steve dropped the third and it was snatched up by Bella, Nilla closed her eyes and rested her head against my shoulder with a mumbled harumph. Steve quickly brought in a replacement which she slowly chewed and made not comment.

Then she regally went to her corner bed and settled, a final clearing of her throat our dismissal.

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Well done, Nilla Crawley. You have to have order and formality, right? :)