
May 25, 2018

White Dog said, "I wonder what fairy tale our Darkest White One is acting out, The Princess and the Pea or Goldilocks?"

When Zsofia was a pup, she was crated to keep her inside in the night. She got the biggest crate available and an expensive orthopedic mattress that was thick and comfortable. One of the first tasks she undertook in decorating was to chew a hole in the cover and dig out some of the foam. Momma reassembled the foam and patched the hole with a piece of old blanket.

Time passed, the crate door was removed and Zsofia slept in her personal suite...until Opal came and Zso invited her to an overnight party in the suite...one which has never ended. Opal and Zso sleep together every night.

The old mattress was in need of replacing and we carefully looked to find the same mattress in exactly the same colors and fabric. Zsofia can be sort of a diva about not accepting change, you know.

Steve took out the old mattress and fitted the new one into place. Opal happily went in sniffed around and settled comfortably. Zso set one paw inside the crate and jumped back. She moved forward tentatively and sniffed. Then she whined.

Opal stood and reached out to touch her sister's nose in reassurance; then she laid back down. The Dark One looked pitiful and began a low keening howl. 

It has been over a week of Zso going into the crate only for bedtime treats and then scooting out to sleep on Puff's little mat in front of Steve's dresser. At some point in the night she sneaks back to "her" bed but tries to rise before Steve does so we do not know.

I keep telling myself that she is, in her own way, making the transition from old to new and that I need to just be blind to the whole drama. White Dog thinks Zso is being ungrateful.

"Really," the Queen says, "she is like spoiled child." So softly that she was not heard by her Leader, Nilla mumbled, "takes one to know one." 

1 comment:

meowmeowmans said...

Aww, change can be hard, right, Zso?